Turning the quality to the max

Cost-Ineffective: Why Good Branding Isn’t Cheap

And definitely isn’t free.

“I found someone who can do this cheaper. Can you match their prices?”

“This would be way less expensive if I just do this myself.”

“I have a family friend/sister/neighbor who is studying design and is willing to do this for free, so I think I’ll go with them.”

These are just some of the comments I, and so many other creatives in general, hear on a regular basis.

I was speaking with a makeup artist friend recently who described these same kinds of remarks from a client who is a bride-to-be looking to haggle and get the lowest price for hair and makeup for both herself and her bridesmaids on her wedding day, after already signing on with my friend. It was then that I realized how pervasive this issue is, and it prompted me to write about it in relation to Small Business Owners and their misconceptions on Branding and the costs associated with it.

You Get One Shot at a First Impression

Your potential customers will decide very quickly whether or not they care to learn more about your business. Having poor or unmemorable branding weakens your chance at winning them over, regardless of how great your products and services are.

You Are Not A Trained Design Professional

It’s worth reiterating: Design is a skillset.

While a lot of DIY template-based websites, logo and graphic makers might have you believing “anyone can be a designer”, that’s a bit like saying “anyone can be a doctor.” You can put on the uniform and learn the terms from Grey’s Anatomy to “talk the talk” all you like, but you should absolutely not be performing a real surgery. You need a professional.

The best branding designers are trained professionals with real world experience designing for a variety of clients and industries. They aren’t beginners and they aren’t just doing design for fun. This is their full-time career. They aren’t just considering how everything “looks”; they’re also factoring in your specific business goals and utilizing strategy as well as design principles to yield the best results.

Your Branding Can Make or Break Your Business

That might sound extreme, but it’s true. If you have poor branding that does not leave the impression you want or resonate with your ideal customers, your business will suffer. You won’t be able to retain your existing customers, and it will be increasingly difficult to get new ones through the door.

You Won’t Stand Out From Your Competition

One of the reasons you should steer clear of handling everything yourself through template-based design tools is that it’s NOT unique. It’s available for anyone to use, which weakens its impact because the same designs are used over and over again by countless business owners. Qualified designers have premium software and design tools that allow them to create something unique to your business that others can’t copy with a simple drag and drop.

Branding Is An Investment

Like so many areas of life, you will get out of it what you put into it. There’s no way around it, and there are no shortcuts. Investing in branding is investing in the success of your business, and has proven ROI.

I personally spend a bit more on quality running shoes because I know they’ll take me farther and help me reach my health goals more comfortably. I buy and consume fresh produce and whole foods (not to be confused with Whole Foods) more than processed foods because I’m investing in my body’s health.

Think about the products you use most frequently. Do you always go for the cheapest option? Or did you invest a bit more upfront to receive higher quality and stronger payoff?

The easiest way to remember it is this:

You started a business for yourself because you are skilled in whatever products/services you offer.

Chances are, you view yourself as an expert and would like others to know that and trust you and your expertise.

Branding is how you get there. It’s how your customers find, interact with, think about, relate to, expect from, and remember your business. It’s how your ideal customers choose you or your competition.

If it looks sloppy or feels disconnected from the actual customer experience, it will not be successful.

How Do You Ensure You’re Investing Properly in Your Branding?

Find someone who is qualified, experienced, understands your goals and vision, and is someone you trust and will genuinely enjoy collaborating with to bring your business to life in a way that connects to your audience.

Muse Creative was founded by a professionally trained designer who has had years of advertising agency experience before striking out on her own. While there are many talented designers who have only freelance experience, we bring an extra dose of professionalism and quality that comes from working on national and global brands in a collaborative team environment. Reach out to us to find out how we can help you turn your small business into a meaningful brand.

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